
      In the collective imagination, Formentera, together with Ibiza, is a trendy island, where the so-called “VIPs” spend their holidays and where the trend leaders draw inspiration for the coming season. An island that is literally invaded by crowds of kids in the months of July and August, but which changes as summer draws to a close, showing its most authentic and wild face. The Formentera I photographed is this: the island that was discovered by the Hippies in the legendary 60s; the concert island of Pink Floyd, Bob Dylan and the Beatles; the island where even David Gilmour had decided to spend his time. Not everyone knows this hidden side, so I wanted in my shots to represent the sense of freedom that it immediately transmitted to me, and of which I will always carry a splendid memory.

      ritratto - portrait - glam
      reportage - glam - street photography
      reportage - glam - street photography
      reportage - glam - street photography
      reportage - glam - street photography
      reportage - glam - street photography
      reportage - glam - street photography
      ritratto - portrait - glam
      ritratto - portrait - glam
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